New Book Series Launched

The first volume of the new book series published by the Institute of Adventist Studies has appeared in print. Entitled Perceptions of the Protestant Reformation in Seventh-day Adventism (320 pp.), it contains the papers presented at the Second International Symposium of the IAS organized in 2016 in Friedensau. It is also available as E-pub.

To order, write to (27.00 EUR incl. International shipping) or go to Amazon.

ISBN Print: 978-3-935480-51-2        (€19.90)
ISBN E-book: 978-3-935480-52-9   (€11.99)

Spes Christiana

During the ETTC that was held in April at Collonges the members of the EASTRS approved the proposal to transfer the journal Spes Christiana from Friedensau University to our society. Reinder Bruinsma was elected to serve as the general editor for a four-year term and an editorial board was also elected, with appropriate terms of references. One of those who was elected to the editorial board felt unable to accept and the EATRS board approved a new name in his place.  The editorial board thus consists of:

  • Aulikki Nahkola (Newbold)
  • Marko Lukic (Belgrade)
  • Daniel Olariu (Cernica)
  • Nestor H. Petruk (Sagunto)
  • Stefan Höschele (Friedensau)
  • Oldrich Svoboda (Sázava)

On June 17 the board had a short first meeting (via Zoom) to get the ball rolling. They will have a more substantial editorial meeting sometime in September, when normal academic life has resumed.

The 2019 issue of Spes Christiana will still be the responsibility of the current editor, Stefan Höschele, and the new team will care for the issues from 2020 onwards. We have agreed that we will aim for two issues per annum (spring and autumn) of ca. 150 pages each. Occasionally an issue may be dedicated to one specific theme.

Soon there will be a further call for articles through this website, with the guidelines for the authors. The editorial board hopes to see a constant flow of quality articles in various disciplines from the members of our society. We also hope that we can call upon our members to act as peer reviewers when needed.

It is our intention to have a section in our journal in which publications are reviewed that have been written by our members, and academic publications that are deemed of interest to most of our members.  If you have any publications to suggest for review, please send me the details. I will also be on the outlook for selected publications and will approach members with requests to write a review.

Articles and correspondence for Spes Christiana may be sent to Reinder Bruinsma, editor.

Two vacancies at Newbold College

Newbold College of Higher Education, United Kingdom, seeks to appoint two full-time lecturers within its Department of Theological Studies. The Department is internationally recognised in Seventh-day Adventist Christian circles as being a centre of excellence in biblical, theological and pastoral education.


Applications are invited from women and men with expertise in at least one area offered within the Department (i.e. Biblical Studies – Old Testament and/or New Testament; Pastoral Studies; or Theological Studies), and with a proven ability to contribute to at least one other discipline. More here.

Lecturer in Pastoral Studies

Applications are invited from women and men with expertise in Pastoral Studies, and with a proven ability to contribute to at least one other discipline. More here.

The deadline for applications for both jobs is February 22; starting date for employment June 2019.