In August, the third volume of the book series will be obtainable. It is a reprint of Rolf Pöhler’s doctoral dissertation on “Change in Seventh-day Adventist Theology.” Originally edited by UMI in the USA and later published by Peter Lang in two volumes, it is now out of print. Being the first and most comprehensive study so far of doctrinal continuity and change from an Adventist perspective, it is still used as textbook in Adventist schools. The 464-page tome with almost 1200 footnotes is entitled Dynamic Truth: A Study of the Problem of Doctrinal Development. The bibliography comprises 600 books, 40 theses and dissertations, over 1100 articles and 100 letters and manuscripts. In view of recent developments and trends in Adventism, the book is still timely and eye-opening. In spite of its size, the price is the same as that of the other two volumes.
To order, write to ias@thh-friedensau.de (€19.90 | 27.00 incl. international shipping), go to Amazon.